Pauropus Lubbock, 1867

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Suggested Common Name: [incomplete]
Number of subordinate taxa: [incomplete]
Etymology: [incomplete]
Taxonomic History: [incomplete]
Size Range: [incomplete]
Description: [incomplete]
Type taxon: [incomplete]
Notes:  [incomplete]

Key to species (provided by Grant Wang)

1 a. Submedian branches of anal plate tapering, conical --> 2
b. Submedian branches of anal plate cylindrical, appearing apically cut --> 3

2 (1) a. Submedian branches of anal plate simple,  apparently without terminal appendages, apically acute and extending beyond lateral branches --> P. huxleyi
b. Submedian branches of anal plate with terminal appendages, apically blunted and extending to about the same length as the lateral branches --> P. lanceolatus

3 (1) a. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 apically swollen and clavate --> 4
b. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 subcylindrical, apically not clavate --> 7

4 (3) a. Anal plate with submedian branches abruptly squared off or flared apically, cuspidate --> 5
b. Anal plate with submedian branched more graudually squared off apically, rounded --> 6

5 (4) a. Tergal antennal branch quite slender, 5 or more times as long as wide. Anal plate with submedian branches seperated by a rather shallow incision, not reaching the attachment points of the lateral branches; apical appendages quite long, somewhat longer than the depth of the median incision --> P. collignoni
b. Tergal antennal branch quite stout, around 2.5 times as long as wide. Anal plate with submedian branches seperated by a deep incision, reaching the attachment points of the lateral branches; apical appendages quite short, significantly shorter than the depth of the median incision --> P. amoenifer

6 (4) a. Anal plate with terminal appendages simple cylindrical, shorter than the distance from the submedian branch apices to the attachment points of the lateral branches. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 apically weakly clavate --> P. valens
b. Anal plate with terminal appendages medially bent ventrally, longer than the distance from the submedian branch apices to the attachment points of the lateral branches. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 very strongly clavate --> P. mixtus

7 (3) a. Sternal antennal branch more than 3 times as long as wide. Temporal organs with distinct nodular vesicle posteriorly. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 about 3/4 as long as a2, of a similar form --> P. sp.
b. Sternal antennal branch less than 3 times as long as wide. Temporal organs without vesicles. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 less than 3/4 as long as a2, of a distinctly different form --> 8

8 (7) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a2 and a3 pubescent; st curved, basally thickened, horn-like. Anal plate with submedian branches abruptly squared off or flared apically, cuspidate. Pygidium sternum with setae pubescent --> P. occidentalis
b. Pygidium tergum with setae a2 and a3 glabrous; st simple cylindrical. Anal plate with submedian branches more gradually squared off apically, rounded. Pygidium sternum with setae glabrous --> P. sp.


Remy, P.A. (1937). Sur quelques Myriapodes de l'Europe boréale. Annales Entomologici Fennici, 3(3): 140-145.

Remy, P.A. (1956). Pauropodes des États-Unis d'Amerique. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg, 47: 1-48.

Remy, P.A. (1956). Pauropus Collignoni n. sp. des environs de Carmel (Californie). Bulletin de la Société d'histoire naturelle du Département de la Moselle, 37: 119-121.

Remy, P.A. (1958). Pauropodes des États-Unis d' Amerique et de la Jamaîque. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg, 48: 1-77.

Scheller, U. (1977). The Pauropoda and Symphyla of the Geneva Museum IV. A basic list of the Pauropoda of Greece (Myriapoda). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 84: 361-408.

Scheller, U. (1984). Pauropoda (Myriapoda) of Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 62: 2074-2091.