About Us
The study of Isopoda and Myriapoda in North and Central America has been historically neglected, resulting in a significant paucity in our understanding of their biology, ecology, and distribution. To address this issue, Nathan T. Jones and Sequoia J. Wrens founded the American Isopod and Myriapod Group (AIMG) on October 1, 2022. The AIMG was established with the mission of bridging the knowledge gap surrounding North and Central American Isopoda and Myriapoda. On January 1, 2023, the group launched this website to make the information they had gathered more widely accessible.
The AIMG's ultimate aim is to serve as a comprehensive guide to North American Isopods and Myriapods, providing an invaluable resource for scientists, educators, and naturalists interested in studying these understudied groups. We believe that through our efforts, we can contribute to a deeper understanding of these fascinating creatures and encourage further research into their biology.